Thursday, November 19, 2020

EU: work on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations directive moves on

EU press service reports on the Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Directive:

There are clear indications that the aims of the Directive on the Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations [2013/30/EC] have been met thanks to its transposition by EU Member States, according to the Commission’s report, published today, on the assessment of the directive. Member States and industry are closely following requirements, it concludes, although with some differences of interpretation. Most of the open issues can be handled under existing work and communication channels with Member States’ authorities and stakeholders, and specifically through the European Union Offshore Authorities Group (EUOAG).

Member States and industry have largely welcomed the introduction of the Directive in its current scope, the report states, while environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are more nuanced in their assessment, calling for further tightening of some measures. All stakeholders point to the depth and intensity of the changes brought about and say that more time and monitoring is required before considering legislative changes. 

You can read the rest of the piece via the below link:

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